Plan Ahead Before a Natural Disaster Strikes
March 22, 2021

Plan Ahead Before a Natural Disaster Strikes

Hurricane damaged trees

While we in Florida are fortunate not to have to deal with the freezing cold and heavy snows of more northern states, we’re not exempt from nature’s wrath. In fact, we have quite a few natural disasters to be prepared for—in addition to hurricanes, Florida experiences floods, fires, and tornadoes! The good news is that some simple planning—and the best homeowners insurance coverage—can help you be ready for the disasters you might face. 

Learn the basics of what to do for each natural disaster

For example: If a tornado is sighted in your area, know where you should seek shelter in your home or office. If you live in an area prone to wildfires, sign up for alerts, and have an evacuation plan in place. Don’t walk, drive, or swim through flood waters—just six inches of moving water can knock you down. And be sure that you have a disaster plan in case of a hurricane (see below). Check out websites like and for information about handling natural disasters.

Make or review your family’s disaster plan

According to, start your planning by discussing these four questions with household members: 

  • How will we receive emergency alerts and warnings? (one suggestion: sign up for alerts at
  • What is our shelter plan?
  • What is our evacuation route?
  • What is our family communication plan?

Tip: Find emergency information specific to the Sarasota/Bradenton area here

Prepare a disaster kit

Stock up on food, water, medicines, pet supplies, and other necessities if you must stay home for a few days. If you might need to evacuate, be sure you also have a portable “go kit.”

Make sure you have the best homeowners insurance coverage

Do you enough coverage to rebuild your home and replace your belongings if they’re destroyed by a natural disaster? Do you know what your hurricane deductible is, and have money set aside to pay it? Do you have flood insurance? (Flooding is not usually covered in a standard homeowners insurance policy, so please give us a call at 941-747-4600 if you need a flood insurance quote!) 

Let us help

 If you need help deciding which insurance coverage you should carry in your area, please give Lakewood Financial a call. We are a local, independent agency, and we live in the same community you do. We’ll be happy to discuss your options, and help you be sure you have the homeowners insurance policy that is right for your financial situation. (If you prefer, contact us online by clicking here.)

Tags: Emergency planning, Homeowners insurance, Natural disasters

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