Let’s Talk Safety: June Is National Safety Month
June 19, 2023

Let’s Talk Safety: June Is National Safety Month

Yellow sign reading safety first

Many of us enjoy a more relaxed pace during June—kids are out of school, we start to think about vacations, and so on. But June is also a good time to focus on safety. It’s been designated National Safety Month since 1996 by the National Safety Council (NSC), America’s leading nonprofit safety advocate. National Safety Month is intended to bring attention to safety topics in the workplace and beyond, hopefully preventing injuries or death due to common health or safety risks. Each year during National Safety Month, the NSC chooses four topics to focus on, one for each full week of the month. In 2023 the topics are:

  • Emergency Preparedness
  • Slips, Trips and Falls
  • Heat-related Illness
  • Hazard Recognition

Here are some things to consider this month, and all year round, so you can live safer whether you’re at home, at work, or enjoying summer fun.

Prepared for emergency

We talk a lot about hurricane preparedness, but what other emergencies should you be ready for? Consider the risks you, your family, and/or your business face. How can you mitigate or prepare for those risks? One way, of course, is to carry the appropriate insurance coverage to suit your needs. What assets do you need to protect from damage or loss? Do you need an umbrella policy to protect your financial assets from a lawsuit? Lakewood Financial agents will be happy to help you evaluate your situation and find the right insurance coverage for you.

Slips, trips, falls

In addition to falls from ladders, some of the most common causes of slips, trips, and falls include rain, spills, and unsecured mats or rugs. At home and at work, also watch for poor lighting, or items which could cause tripping, such as a cord or an empty box. Keep walkways clear, and clean up any slippery spills that occur. Take care when using a ladder, since falls from ladders are one of the main causes of occupational injuries or death.

Heat-related illness

Florida’s summer heat makes it imperative that we find ways to prevent heat stress and illness. Be mindful of the temperature and humidity, and schedule outdoor exercise during the cooler parts of the day. During the hottest days, stay in an air-conditioned space as much as possible. Learn the signs and symptoms of heat-related illness—click here for an infographic from the CDC.

Dress in lightweight, loose clothing, and stay hydrated. Keep an eye on anyone at higher risk for heat-related illness, such as children, the elderly, or those with underlying health conditions.

And remember, never leave children or pets in your vehicle. Even with a window cracked, a car can heat up to a life-threatening temperature very quickly.

Recognizing hazards

Though this topic is often assumed to be for businesses, becoming aware of hazards which could hurt us or our loved ones is an essential skill. Pay attention to your surroundings and keep homes and business premises in good repair. Store things like cleaning supplies, medications, or chemicals safely and out of reach of children. If we can prevent an accident, injury, or even a death through some foresight, it is certainly worth it.

When all else fails…

Sometimes, even with all your precautions, accidents happen. Knowing you have the right insurance in place can help you sleep better at night. If you need an insurance quote for auto, home, renters, or commercial insurance, please call Lakewood Financial Services at 941-747-4600. (If you prefer to contact us online, click here.) The agents at Lakewood Financial will be able to help you find the coverage you need for your individual situation.

Stay safe out there!


Tags: Insurance, June, National Safety Month, Safety tips

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